As the year winds down, I am attempting a new way forward (I already mentioned it in my previous post): rest and preparation. I see how those two ideas can seem in conflict with each other, but if we choose to pay close enough attention, we will know when to lean more in one direction than the other.
We need harmony because nothing is ever truly 50/50. Taking that into account, I want to move away from words like “goals” because that’s a loaded word set up to make you feel like a failure for not achieving what you want. We need to liberate ourselves towards a future that allows for the ebb and flow of life. That understands you are doing your best each time. That removes you from the imagined race against everyone else and reminds you that you are only on this journey for you, and in the company of others doing the same.
My main intention is to prepare to take a month off. That means prepping as much as I need to and leaving the rest in capable hands. Reading more. Walking more. Attempting some stretching a few times a week. Drinking more water.
What are your intentions this month? How are you preparing?
I intend to lean more into community care. Into doing the work to love my community and work with others who are attempting to create a gentler world ♥️